Health & Fitness

Let those who are sick do all in their power, by correct practice in eating, drinking, and dressing, and by taking judicious exercise, to secure the recovery of health. Let the patients who come to our sanitariums be taught to cooperate with God in seeking health. “Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.” God made nerve and muscle in order that they might be used. It is the inaction of the human machinery that brings suffering and disease. - Diet on Counsel and Foods Ch.17, pg.303

Exercise: The Great Medicine

Health & Fitness

Adrian Palmer


September 22, 2020

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are responsible for most deaths in the country (80%). But, are we equally doing enough to protect our lives from NCDs?


Health & Fitness

Delissa Dick


August 24, 2020

There are great benefits in exercise and pure air. We can live much longer without food than if we were deprived of air.

True Healing Comes From The Creator

Health & Fitness

Delissa Dick


July 16, 2020

Only our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ can impart and restore vigor to the mind and bring health to the body.

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